High school English students went to see the stage adaptation of the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" at the Fisher Theater in Detroit.

A no-tax-rate increase bond proposal in on the May 7th ballot!
📢 Exciting News! 🏫🚌 New Haven Community Schools is growing! The bond proposal is crucial to address the overcrowding issues at our elementary and middle school levels. By re-opening Siefert Elementary School, we can create more space for our students and ensure a high-quality learning environment. 📚💻 Additionally, the proposal includes projects to enhance our athletic and band programs, update preschool classrooms, improve instructional technology, refresh student devices, and build a new bus garage.

New Haven High School's 10th graders recently explored Oakland University, getting a firsthand look at college life and opportunities.

In Mrs. Bryner's Calculus class, students embraced the challenge of tackling the many digits of pi. Lorenzo R. reached an impressive milestone by memorizing 100 digits of pi! Congratulations on this remarkable achievement!

Mrs. Schmidt's class had an exciting day exploring the mathematical wonder of pi! Happy Pi Day (3.14.2024)!

NHHS Forensic Science students investigating fingerprint evidence. They are perfecting their skill of dusting for prints.

Double basketball victory tonight at Endeavour! Way to go girls!

Election Day is May 7th! Polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Absentee ballots are available after March 28 and can be cast through Election Day.

Next Thursday, March 21st @ 6:00 pm we will host a town hall meeting for residents . It will take place at Siefert, which is located at 24125 26 Mile Rd, Ray MI. The purpose is to learn more about the May 7th bond proposal, that includes reopening Siefert Elementary School. Hope to see you there!

Endeavour is in full swing for March is Reading Month!

A heartfelt congratulations to Taylor T. for her incredible achievement of signing with St. Clair Community College for softball! This is a well-deserved recognition of Taylor's dedication, skill, and hard work on the softball field.

Hats off to our outstanding BPA students who showcased exceptional professionalism and talent at the recent state competition in Grand Rapids! New Haven is proud to have been represented by such dedicated and accomplished individuals. A special shout-out goes to Danya R. and Corey R. for their outstanding achievements, placing in the top ten in their respective events. Congratulations to all our BPA students for a job well done!

Mark your calendars! 🗓️ New Have Community Schools has a no-tax-rate increase bond proposal on the May 7 ballot.
Planning to vote absentee? 📬 Absentee ballots for the May 7 election will be available starting March 28.

This week, our high school bowling team invited our staff out to bowl with them. Fun was had by all. We have an amazing group of students!

Heartfelt congratulations to our girls' basketball team on securing the District Championship! On to Regionals!

Girl's basketball advances to the next game as they defeat Memphis tonight! Proud to be a ROCKET!

Huge congratulations to our girls bowling team on an outstanding season! They are now MAC Gold Division Champions!
Remarkable achievements this season:
Ranked #3 school in the State of Michigan.
Impressive 13-1 Conference record.
Accumulated 363.5 Points Won.
Total Pins knocked down an incredible 20,216.

Weightlifting students continuing to crush their goals. Brandon P. joined the 300 lb. bench club and Avery M. joined the 400 lb. squat club today.

Mrs. P visited the NHE's third grade students for March is Reading Month as the Mystery Reader for the week!

This month, our Rocket Resolution's Character Trait has our students focused on ...