By attending school on Count Day, students are actively contributing to the success of their school and education.
about 1 year ago, New Haven Community Schools
Count Day
We are short staffed for tomorrow. Parents will have to drive their child if they are on Ms Colleen's bus (route I). You can email Steve Bruen if you are not sure what route your child is on. Email him at
about 1 year ago, New Haven Community Schools
Students in Physical Education and Team Sports classes at high school actively participated in the New Haven Super Bowl event.
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
Student throwing football through rings
Students tossing football
Football toss
students tossing bean bags
Student logging timer
student doing athletic course
Carston N. has committed to playing football at Albion, marking an exciting step in his athletic journey. Congrats!
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
Carston posing with two coaches
The students in Endeavour's STEM class are actively engaged in hands-on experiences as they collaborate to build a robot.
about 1 year ago, Kristina Moran
student and teacher in stem
DK and K students at NHE celebrated the 100th day of school today! Students dressed as old-timers, or decorated outfits that represented 100. The day was filled with activities to celebrate the number 100, including a parade around the school at the end of the day!
about 1 year ago, Robert McCabe
Mrs. B. and some students!
Making Necklaces.
Time for the parade!
LeAndre' B. has officially signed with Tiffin University to continue his football career. Congratulations.
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
student and two coaches posing for a photo
NHHS gratefully acknowledges and appreciates the generous donation of $500.00 from Safiedine Oil CO. Inc. Thank you for your valuable investment in our students.
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
Ms. Abate with $500 Donation check..
Ms. Harchuk is thrilled to announce that she has won a grant for flexible seating in her fifth grade classroom at Endeavour!
about 1 year ago, Kristina Moran
teacher holding a check
This week, NHHS Medical Careers hosted its second Blood Drive of the school year, impacting 117 lives. We had a fantastic group of students who played a crucial role in running the drive. The collected 39 units bring our total to 69 units, saving a total of 207 lives between the two drives so far. As we eagerly anticipate our third drive on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, we aim to surpass our annual goal.
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
Blood drive team posing for photo
Student posing for blood draw
Over the last few weeks, we have had many of our students out with flu, strep throat, etc. Here are some best practices recommended by the medical field when deciding whether your child should stay at home due to illness.
about 1 year ago, New Haven Community Schools
When Should a Child Stay Home from School? List
January's Rocket Resolution was kindness. Each Monday in January, Mrs. Bardy's class was given a heart, and the students wrote about one Act of Kindness they performed over the weekend.
about 1 year ago, Robert McCabe
Acts of Kindness!
If you are looking to buy some Girl Scout cookies, look no further! Troop 77615 is our New Haven Girl's Scout Troop! You can get some delicious cookies, while supporting our local group!
about 1 year ago, New Haven Community Schools
cookie order form
Join us for a night of great food and good company at Texas Roadhouse in Chesterfield on February 12th! Your support will make a difference by contributing to the New Haven Alumni Scholarship Fund.
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
Texas Roadhouse fundraiser add
Flyer for NH Alumni fundraiser
Congratulations to our three Macomb Career Technical Education award winners. AJ - Automotive Technology Dario - Business Administration Mr. Greg Windingland from Lombardo Homes - Business/Industry Partner
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
NHCS Three CTE recipients
Dario Hoxha and two adults at award ceremony
AJ Thomas and two adults at award ceremony
Thank you Mrs. Grishkevich for coming in and talking with our Y.A.N.A. club about self-care.
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
Parent sharing with YANA group on self care
picture of poster and 50 ways to take a break
Lorenzo R., our foreign exchange student and senior, rocked the morning announcements! Great job!
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
Student presenting our morning announcements
BPA students are at it again! This week, our BPA students fundraised for their upcoming states competition. Thanks Mrs. M. for allowing them to tape you to the wall.
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
Mrs. M taped to a wall
Students gathering tape to stick to the wall
Student adding tape to Mrs. M.
Will the groundhog see his shadow tomorrow? Students in 1st grade at New Haven Elementary collected data and graphed it. They also saw how the "sun" will make the groundhog see his shadow.
about 1 year ago, Robert McCabe
1 for no!
1 for yes!
Data graph
Creating shadows
Creating shadows
The New Haven Children's Food Pantry will be open this Friday from 5-6:00 pm.
about 1 year ago, New Haven Community Schools
Children Eating