Thank you NHCS Board Members for all that you do for our students and staff.
about 1 year ago, New Haven Community Schools
Sign stating "Thank you, School Board Members!"
Three school board members
Three different school board members
One school board member
Congratulations to Endeavour's students of the month for December! We are so proud!
about 1 year ago, Kristina Moran
students holding certificates
students holding certificates
New Haven High School bowling teams move to 14-0 on the season!
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
five female bowlers
ten male bowlers
The NHCS will be closed for January 17th. The temperature is expected to drop overnight again, with winds returning causing morning temperatures to be anywhere from -15 to -20 degrees. SACC and childcare will be closed tomorrow as well. Any evening events scheduled for tomorrow will STILL BE TAKING PLACE.
about 1 year ago, New Haven Community Schools
This week, Greg Windingland and David Mercure from Lombardo Homes visited with several of our students to talk with them about careers in the home building industry. Thank you for your time and interest in our students.
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
presentation in front of students
presentation with students in media center
Presentation with class in Media Center.
Lombardo employees presenting to class of students
NHHS Chemistry students investigating the properties of matter.
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
Four students  investigating matter
Endeavour is excited about the first snow of the season!
about 1 year ago, Kristina Moran
snowman picture
Deputy Morgan is giving a presentation about school safety.
about 1 year ago, Kristina Moran
police officer talking to students
Business Professionals of America (BPA) students at their final meeting before regionals. Good luck this Friday.
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
student presenting for BPA
Students preparing for BPA competition
BPA Regional Information and logo
For the month of January, students will be learning about the importance of being KIND!
about 1 year ago, New Haven Community Schools
Poster that states Kindness Matters
High school students using cooperative learning strategies to prepare for an upcoming quiz in World History!
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
Students in World History using cooperative learning strategies
Congratulations to the New Haven Competitive Cheer Team! They were amazing at the Richmond Invitational last Friday
about 1 year ago, New Haven Community Schools
Six girls in a cheer pose, one leg up
National Honor Society students organizing and boxing almost 800 cans donated during the annual NHHS food drive. Proceeds benefit the New Haven Food Pantry!
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
Two students preparing canned foods for the drive
One student carrying an arm full of canned goods
Two students packaging boxes of canned goods.
One student gathering canned goods.
Four students posing for photo with canned goods.
A group of students in the classroom gathering canned goods.
Former New Haven graduate, Taylor Angus, returns to teach a lesson on Mitosis to the AP Biology students. Taylor attends Northern Michigan University and is enrolled in their biology education program. Good work Taylor.
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
Taylor Angus presenting to the class
Group of students working on a biology demonstration
Mrs. Moran and Mrs. Reinhold favorite weekend. Dolphins vs Bills!
about 1 year ago, Kristina Moran
Two staff and two students wearing football gear.
Endeavour is so excited for the Lions game.
about 1 year ago, Kristina Moran
Let’s go Lions
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
about 1 year ago, New Haven Athletics
CTE business students made holiday cards for the residents at Westwood Senior Living. Happy Holidays to all.
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
Hand made cards al stacked on desk
Students making holiday cards in the art room
another student making holiday cards in art room
older woman holding up card in appreciation
older gentleman holding up card
Older gentleman holding up card while sitting in chair
This week the Red Wing Motorcycle Club presented Ms. Abate with a $500 check to help support our special education department. Thank you for your generosity!
about 1 year ago, New Haven High School
Ms. Abate holding a check with four member of the Red Wing Motorcycle Club
We're thrilled to announce the new app for NHCS! It's everything NHCS, in your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
about 1 year ago, New Haven Athletics