Just a reminder that the second townhall meeting is tomorrow night at Siefert! This will give you a chance to learn more about the upcoming bond proposal for May 7th, as well as see what plans we have for Siefert if it passes! Hope to see you there!
11 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
Town Hall meeting to discuss upcoming bond
Join us this April 25th for an important discussion on mental health needs with Macomb Family Services. This event provides a valuable opportunity to learn more about mental health resources and support available in our community.
11 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
MFS invitation to talk about mental health
Residents of New Haven Community Schools who will be 18 years of age or older on Election Day and are registered to vote can vote in this election. Registered voters do not need a reason to vote by absentee ballot. You can request an absentee ballot application from your Clerk’s Office or by going online to www.michigan.gov/vote and clicking on Vote at Home. For more voting information, go to the Michigan Voter Information website (www.michigan.gov/vote) or call your local clerk’s office.
11 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
All registered voters can vote
For those who were not able to attend the first meeting, the district will be hosting a 2nd townhall meeting @ Siefert to discuss the May 7th bond proposal. Hope to see you there!
11 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
Second townhall meeting
With the May 7th bond proposal, proposed projects will support athletics, the band, and technology. Get ready for a brand-new concession stand at Endeavour Middle School, along with an upgraded football field, scoreboard, and bleachers. New Haven High School will also see improvements with a revamped football field and updated track. For our young learners, Siefert Elementary School will have a new playground, while the Preschool Center's playgrounds will be refreshed. And that's not all! Expect new band equipment, refreshed student technology devices, and updated classroom instructional technology across the district. 🏈🎵💻
11 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
Improvements to playground and fields
With the May 7th bond proposal learning environments will be updated at all schools! At the elementary level, Siefert Elementary School will be reopened to accommodate Developmental Kindergarten through 4th-grade students due to overcrowding. ✨ Renovations are in progress to update both the interior and exterior, ensuring compliance with building codes and ADA requirements. Stay tuned for more updates as we create a better space for our young learners! At New Haven Elementary School, select classroom walls, floors, and ceiling tiles will be replaced. Technology devices will also be refreshed, and instructional audio/visual systems will be updated. At the middle and high school levels, temperature control systems will be replaced, student technology devices will be refreshed, and instructional audio/visual systems will be updated. 🍎
11 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
Learning Environment Updates
Get your hands on a lawn sign to proudly display your support for the upcoming bond vote on May 7th. Simply swing by any of the district buildings to grab one!
11 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
New Haven Community Schools
New Haven Community Schools is proposing a bond to address the pressing need for additional space due to increased enrollment. With more families choosing New Haven, the elementary school is overcrowded, impacting even the middle school now. To tackle this, the proposal includes reopening Siefert Elementary School, updating it to modern standards. By doing this, New Haven will have two elementary schools and Endeavour Middle School to cater to all students effectively. Moreover, the proposal supports athletic and band programs, enhances preschool classrooms, updates technology, and builds a new bus garage. 📚🚌🎉
11 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
Why bond is necessary
Dear New Haven Families: This email is to let you know that the bomb threats that were made were not made to any New Haven staff members. I know the article in the Macomb Daily made it sound like it was the district, but it was actually some of Merritt Academy's staff who received the threatening email. I have been in contact with our SRO officer as well as the Superintendent of the county, and they have both informed me that the threats that were sent were not found to be credible. Sincerely, Cheryl Puzdrakiewicz Superintendent
11 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
Due to the anticipated weather conditions that are expected for the morning commute, New Haven Community Schools will be closed for tomorrow, March 22, 2024. Have a safe and enjoyable spring break!
12 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
Don't forget: Tomorrow, March 21st @ 6:00 pm- we are hosting a town hall meeting for residents . It is taking place at Siefert, which is located at 24125 26 Mile Rd, Ray MI. The purpose is to learn more about the May 7th bond proposal, that includes reopening Siefert Elementary School. Hope to see you there!
12 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
Town Hall Flyer
Bond proposal projects have been carefully selected to enhance our school district for the better! 📚✏️ Through an extensive internal facilities assessment and collaboration with experts, we've identified key areas for improvement to support our students from preschool to 12th grade. 🎓💡 Stay tuned for more updates!
12 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
Bond how projects are identified
New Haven Community Schools' $43.6 million bond proposal aims to improve our facilities without increasing the current tax rate. By extending the existing tax rate for the duration of the bond, we can upgrade our schools without burdening taxpayers.
12 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
No increase to the tax rate with young girl pointing to the words
Join us this April for an important discussion on mental health needs with Macomb Family Services. This event provides a valuable opportunity to learn more about mental health resources and support available in our community.
12 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
MFS meeting at NHHS
A no-tax-rate increase bond proposal in on the May 7th ballot! 📢 Exciting News! 🏫🚌 New Haven Community Schools is growing! The bond proposal is crucial to address the overcrowding issues at our elementary and middle school levels. By re-opening Siefert Elementary School, we can create more space for our students and ensure a high-quality learning environment. 📚💻 Additionally, the proposal includes projects to enhance our athletic and band programs, update preschool classrooms, improve instructional technology, refresh student devices, and build a new bus garage.
12 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
What's on the ballot?
Election Day is May 7th! Polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Absentee ballots are available after March 28 and can be cast through Election Day.
12 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
May 7th bond reminder
Next Thursday, March 21st @ 6:00 pm we will host a town hall meeting for residents . It will take place at Siefert, which is located at 24125 26 Mile Rd, Ray MI. The purpose is to learn more about the May 7th bond proposal, that includes reopening Siefert Elementary School. Hope to see you there!
12 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
Town Hall Flyer
Please see the flyer regarding the Town Hall Meeting for next week @ Siefert to learn more about the May 7th bond proposal! Hope to see you there!
12 months ago, New Haven Community Schools
Town Hall Meeting
Mark your calendars! 🗓️ New Have Community Schools has a no-tax-rate increase bond proposal on the May 7 ballot. Planning to vote absentee? 📬 Absentee ballots for the May 7 election will be available starting March 28.
about 1 year ago, New Haven Community Schools
No Tax Rate Increase
Mrs. P visited the NHE's third grade students for March is Reading Month as the Mystery Reader for the week!
about 1 year ago, New Haven Community Schools
Reading to 3rd grade students
3rd grade students and Mrs. P
Reading story to students